Theatre Pitching in Athens: “Train Your Brain” workshop C4, 30 AUGUST-3 SEPTEMBER 2021

This workshop was the 4th of the “Theatre Pitching for Employment” EU partnership and was held in the Municipality of Haidari, by O.C.E.A.N N.G.O. in collaboration with the Haidari Town Mayor and the Vice Mayor of Culture, from 30 of August till 3d of September 2021.

The facilitators of the workshop were:

Dimitrios Katsidoniotis (Biologist/Actor MSc Didactic of Biology)

Vassilis Oikonomou (Director/Actor · THEAMA (Professional Inclusive Theater of Greece for Disabled and non-Disabled People – Greece)/ Archaeologist

Helena Mastoraki (Secondary special school Headteacher and Career Counsellor)

  1. Educational and pedagogical methodologies are proven to boost creativity at all levels of the educational system, as well as in life-long learning education[1]. These methodologies are a) activities that enhance divergent thinking in straight experiential comparison to convergent thinking, b) C.A.M.P.E.R method of creativity, c) Bionic Method or Biomimetics and d) Synectic Method of Embracing the Seemingly Irrelevant and Empathizing (“make it personal”).

2. Theatrical and Pedagogical methodologies, based on the “Theatre of the Oppressed” by Augusto Boal and on the “Pedagogy of the   

Oppressed” by Paulo Freire and mostly the “Newspaper Theatre” approach and its techniques

3.“Human-Target-Action” is the personal method of the disabled actor and theater instructor, Vassilis Oikonomou. How is this methodology defined? The deconstruction of human movement in the service of targeted expression. From observation to interpretation. Highlighting the personal criteria/mechanisms for imitating and recording human action. From the theatrical contract to the non-theatrical contract with the main axis the personal answer to the why of each action. With useful techniques the “predigra” and the “otkaz” that define Meyerhold’s “bio-mechanics” and the “annihilation of the ego” and the “focus on the essential” as aspects of Brecht’s technique of distancing: material oxymorons in the service of the pure goal of action as it is uniquely perceived by every human being.

video links of the workshop



3rd day

4th day

5th day

Final Pitch

In the final day of the workshop, the participants had all morning to finalize their Pitches, using all given methodologies, during the “Train your Brain” workshop, in their own unique and creative way and then they presented and pitched their ideas, about how to convert “Brain Drain” into “Brain Gain” on the online platform through video streaming on YouTube.

The jury was consisted of:

Dimitra Skoufi – Katsidonioti (Physicist – Oceanographer MSc / Coordinator – OCEAN NGO)

Manos Petousis (Actor/Director – Vice Mayor of Education Culture and Education in Haidari Municipality)

George Nikolakakis (Electrical Engineer)

Streaming Link: